15 Tools in My Self Care Basket for Anxiety

15 Tools in my Self Care Basket for Anxiety One Well Momma

Recovery from mental illness is a lifelong journey. I could ask if we ever really “recover.” Maintaining a good mental health can require a lot of focus and diligence toward staying mindful about our circumstances. But making time for self care can be as easy as keeping a few things on hand.

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Each one of us whom have suffered with mental illness, have our own kryptonites. For some it may be family, or holidays, relationships or unhealthy coping methods.  One of the things I did early on in my recovery was make a list of things that interfere with my mental health in a negative way. I tend to use certain unhealthy coping methods that tend to send me down hill quickly. Having them written down helped me acknowledge my bad habits and be more mindful about the choices I make.

When I am nervous or worried, I tend to fill my time with projects that consume me so not to have to deal with the real issues. I become so consumed that it often interferes with my responsibilities as a mother and wife and end up affecting my relationships in a negative way. 

Understanding your own kryptonite, will take some real self evaluating and acknowledgment. Get ready, it may not be pretty.

While I think being self aware is imperative to maintaining our mental health, that skill is learned over time and has to evolve. However, there are some things I use on a regular basis to help when I  am feeling anxious or worried that everyone can have at their fingertips. You can see my full list  10 Self Care Tips for Depression & Anxiety That Really Work HERE. I’ve put together a self care basket (2 really) that I can use whenever I need a quick pick me up, or when I’d like to schedule an entire night or pampering.

Here Are 15 Tools In My Self Care Basket for Anxiety

Bathroom Self Care Basket

  1. Epsom Salt
  2. Make Up Remover
  3. Face Moisturizer
  4. Body Scrub
  5. Mani Pedi Set
  6. Hand and Cuticle Cream
  7. Body Moisturizer Coconut OIl

SheaMoisture 15 oz 100% Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Nightstand Self Care Basket

  1. Devotional
  2. Journal
  3. Oil Diffuser
  4. Oils 
  5. Lip Balm
  6. Rest
  7. Sherpa Throw

I love getting to plan a date to pamper myself. I turn on my favorite playlist and I can dance, cry, scream, sing out all the worries. (That sounds really superficial and cliche, but it works for me).

When I’m done, I can follow it up with a blanket and a book or netflix series. Sometimes I do a self help book like this one. If you have trouble saying no and setting boundaries in your life, you will enjoy it too. 

Making time to tale of myself isn’t always easy, it certainly doesn’t come naturally. But it’s something I know I must  do in order to stay healthy so that I can be here for my family.

Recovery from mental illness is about being aware of the things that affect you negatively and making choices everyday to avoid them.

“But now, this is what the Lord says…Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1


Have you taken the Anxiety Quiz to determine if you might need to speak to a professional? No? You can take it below!

Could you be suffering from anxiety? Take this Anxiety Screen Quiz to help you determine if it's time see a professional.

Disclaimer: This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have an anxiety disorder that needs professional attention. This screening measure is not designed to make a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder or take the place of a professional diagnosis or consultation. Please take the time to fill out the below form as accurately, honestly and completely as possible. All of your responses are confidential. Information from Psych Center

You can get more tool and tips to manage your mental illness over at The Well

  • Personal & Spiritual Growth
  • Quizzes
  • Inspirational Quotes
  • Mental Health Resources
  • Self Care Tools & Tips


Resources, tools, and tips to Evaluate, Evolve, and Elevate your life at The Well with One Well Momma


Do you feel that you can ever really recover from mental illness?

What are some tools that you use to help you manage and cope with your mental illness?

3 thoughts on “15 Tools in My Self Care Basket for Anxiety

  1. Diana Collier January 14, 2020 / 11:00 pm

    Have you addressed perimenopause


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