6 Traits That Hindered Me from Healing from Grief

(There may be affiliates in this post but I only share the things I love!)

6 Traits That Hindered me From Healing My Grief from One Well Momma

As a believer in Christ, I wholeheartedly believe that that my faith in God’s word has been the biggest proponent for my recovery from depression and healing from my grief. (I don’t believe grief ever goes away entirely, but we are capable of growing through it.) His promise to his children is firm, and unwavering, but how effective is his word if we do not understand it, nor know how to apply it to our daily lives.

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Confessions Of A Grieving Momma – Part 5 : Tears Shed In Grace

“For every tear I have shed in pain, in fear, in grief; every tear in frustration, and guilt, I will shed 1000 times more in JOY….”
I can feel his heart beating against mine. I feel the rise and the fall of his chest as his breaths mirror my own. I can see his tiny feet poking out from beneath his blanket.  His body is completely relaxed and at nearly four years old, his 28 pounds feels heavy against me. Continue reading

My Writing Begins With My Grief, But My Story Doesn’t

Edit 10/17/2017:

In 2014 I opened this blog to help me through the challenges I faced mentally, as I coped with the changes recently after our youngest son was born. We had no idea until he was born, that he would be so sick. A piece of me died that day and many, many more pieces in the days and months that followed. You can read about his diagnosis here. 

Lost, alone, and broken, I feel deeper and deeper into a “pit of Hell.” The darkness took over the light that once was so bright inside of me.

Gone were the dreams I’d once held; the vision of the life I’d worked so hard to build was destroyed. What was I to do now?

I struggled severely with depression, anxiety, guilt, shame and grief that nearly cost me everything.


Today, equipped with so many more lessons and more knowledge and more wine… I hated to delete what started it all. I didn’t continue the blog past a few posts, but it was the start for me personally that had shaped who I am today.


The dreams and passions stored within hearts are powerful keys which can unlock a wealth of potential.  – John C. Maxwell


If you are struggling with grief or depression, know that you are not alone. There is joy left in this world for you and you are capable of finding it again. 

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How I’m Being Molded Through Grief


Now that that official business had been stated, it’s time to be totally transparent. My life is a beautiful mess….well, sometimes.  I like to think of it as organized chaos.

My youngest son was born with CHARGE Syndrome Continue reading