10 Self Care Tips for Depression & Anxiety That Actually Work

OWM Blog 10 Self Care Tips
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One of my favorite things to do that I rarely ever did before suffering with a mental illness, is pamper myself. When you find the right activity for your own self development based on your personality, these self care activities can benefit you in many ways.  The goal is to take the time to to de-stress and unhinge your mind from thoughts that bring feelings of anxiety or depression. If you can do that, while also deepening your self awareness then it’s a huge bonus. Continue reading

15 Tools in My Self Care Basket for Anxiety

15 Tools in my Self Care Basket for Anxiety One Well Momma

Recovery from mental illness is a lifelong journey. I could ask if we ever really “recover.” Maintaining a good mental health can require a lot of focus and diligence toward staying mindful about our circumstances. But making time for self care can be as easy as keeping a few things on hand.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. Clicking these links won’t cost you any extra money. Please check out our disclosure policies for more details. 

Each one of us whom have suffered with mental illness, have our own kryptonites. For some it may be family, or holidays, relationships or unhealthy coping methods.  One of the things I did early on in my recovery was make a list of things that interfere with my mental health in a negative way. I tend to use certain unhealthy coping methods that tend to send me down hill quickly. Having them written down helped me acknowledge my bad habits and be more mindful about the choices I make.

When I am nervous or worried, I tend to fill my time with projects that consume me so not to have to deal with the real issues. I become so consumed that it often interferes with my responsibilities as a mother and wife and end up affecting my relationships in a negative way.  Continue reading