10 Self Care Tips for Depression & Anxiety That Actually Work

OWM Blog 10 Self Care Tips
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One of my favorite things to do that I rarely ever did before suffering with a mental illness, is pamper myself. When you find the right activity for your own self development based on your personality, these self care activities can benefit you in many ways.  The goal is to take the time to to de-stress and unhinge your mind from thoughts that bring feelings of anxiety or depression. If you can do that, while also deepening your self awareness then it’s a huge bonus.

During the darks days, (my deep depression) this sounded like way too much work.  If you’re thinking the same thing, SCHEDULE IT!! Seriously! Let who ever you need to let know, that you are gonna need 1-2 hours on Thursday, to “get a few things done.” There was something about scheduling it, that made it even more productive for me. It was real and I couldn’t back out. It also gave me something to look forward to if I scheduled it a few days ahead of time.

There is scripture all throughout the Bible telling us that self care is important. Do not ever feel that taking the time you need for yourself is selfish. Especially as mothers, it’s quite the opposite. We need to commit to self care activities so we CAN be there for others.

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“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt 11:26-30)

10 Self Care Tips that Actually Work

PP 10 Self Care

    1. Self Care Basket  – So I’m not gonna lie. I have two of these. One is on my nightstand and the other is in my bathroom. What’s in my self care basket? You can see my full list here!
    2. Watch a Heartwarming Movie on Amazon Prime – You seriously can’t go wrong with this one here plus it’s one that lasts longer than most.
    3. Color – Oh my goodness. I feel in love with doing these a while back. If you are have OCD tendencies like me, you’ll love them! Or they will drive you crazy, in which I’d suggest skipping over them!:D
    4. Devotionals or Bible Studies – ANYTIME I am anxious, worried, or my grief has reared it’s ugly head, the best place to turn is my Bible. Here are a few of my favorite Devotionals and Bible Studies
    5. Go for a walk – Spending time alone outdoors helps give me time to reflect. Sometimes  I throw on my headphones and sing to the top of my lungs, sometimes I spend it talking with God, and other times I just try and digest my hectic life. Either way, a walk can be good mentally, physically and spiritually.
    6. Write a friend a note – Whether it’s a heartfelt text message, or an actual card taking the time to let a friend know that you are thinking of them does so much in return for our own happiness and self esteem. We feel good when we can do nice things for others. Tip: Send funny or inspirational cards like these  or these to make it even more meaningful.
    7. Organize Something – Checking things off our to-do list can give us a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. Remember, keep it simple and small. The idea it to create a positive mental atmosphere not a more chaotic one. I just bought these bins the other day to put in my fridge and I’m kinda in love with them. Plus I’m short and they help me reach everything, so it’s a two for one.
    8. Bake – I’m not much one for baking. But sometimes when I need to decompress, baking can help with that. Plus being a momma, there’s always someone around to appreciate my efforts.
  1. Turn Off Social Media – This one is big- and it’s a must. Turn It OFF!
  2. Make a list  – make affirmation lists, to-do lists (careful with this one), list your strengths, list the things you are thankful for. This may seems pointless but it can build edification and self confidence, boosting our mood and self esteem.

You can find more resources, tools and tips over at

The Well

Resources, tools, and tips to Evaluate, Evolve, and Elevate your life at The Well with One Well Momma


I’m really loving the coloring books right now! When you do self care activities, or if you did, are you more likely to chill out and watch or read, or do you like to stay busy with activities?

Do you have a favorite that isn’t listed here?

5 thoughts on “10 Self Care Tips for Depression & Anxiety That Actually Work

  1. Karley LaFountain May 11, 2020 / 5:00 pm

    What movie did you list?? The link just brings you to movies in general


  2. Lynda Froneberger January 10, 2018 / 11:25 am

    This is for my 34 year old daughter. Because of complications from a misdiagnosis of Lyme disease, she is now in a very severe depression. Her husband of 12 years has filed for divorce and is living with her once best friend. He and his family have spread vicious rumors about her illness being just a drug problem although she was seeing her doctor regularly. She was a registered nurse but had to quit due to this illness. She can work but her depression has her in a defeated state of mind. We have made appointments with counselors but she will not go. She just stays in bed all the time and only gets up to use the bathroom and get food and water (very little). All of our attempts to get her up are useless. This has been going on for weeks now. Can anyone help?


    • Taylor Bridges November 26, 2018 / 3:16 am

      I am so sorry to hear that going on with your daughter. I can tell you feel helpless and don’t know what to do. I too have spent months bedridden before because of Crippling depression BUT mine WAS due to an addiction to opiates. Everything was just like you described, quit working, no motivation, just a complete feeling of hopelessness. ONCE I decided I didn’t want to feel that way anymore I turned to Jesus, the only Comforter I know of. When I stopped feeling sorry for myself and decided to focus on Jesus and applying his Word in my everyday life, the LIGHT shone through so brightly. It was like a reawakening. He will come to you if you want Him to. All you have to do is ASK and step from behind the wheel and TURN everything over to Him. So, in a.nutshell, your daughter has to WANT a positive change.


    • Angel January 1, 2019 / 2:56 am

      I know this feeling oh so well. There is nothing worse than people treating you badly then switching the story and telling people you were the one in the wrong. It is absolutely soul destroying. I went through the same feelings as your daughter and really wanted to die but didn’t want to leave my family so I reached out. By messenger at first. It took me a few weeks to actually get up and go see someone. Counselling really is helpful. Having someone kind who will listen does start to lift the burden. I also disconnected from all people talking negatively about me. This meant spending a lot of time on my own as most people had chosen to believe the lies. Luckily, I have a dog. So short walks with her and cuddles at home were very healing. I still stayed in bed most of the time but instead of thinking and torturing myself I started reading uplifting books and watched uplifting films. Made a vision board of what I would like my new life to be and spent many happy hours finding pictures and arranging them into a beautiful tableau. And more happy hours looking at it! I also stopped beating myself up about staying in bed and told myself I was allowed as I was grieving and recovering. After spending 2 weeks in bed with my coat on not washing or eating I made sure I had lovely bubble baths and comfy pyjamas and clean bedding and bought myself nutritional food that didn’t need to be cooked. It was very hard at first as just existing was so painful but baby steps and she will get there. Lots of love to you both 💖xxxxx

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