32 Verses To Fight Fear and Anxiety

If you are like me and have a “Type A” personality, then you probably know what it’s like to deal with anxiety and fear over the circumstances revolving our lives.

The devil uses our flaws such as this one, to break us down even farther. The more we are filled with anxiety, the less we are filled with God’s word and spirit. Continue reading

19 Verses To Guide You in Forgiveness


Do you feel like someone has done you wrong? Are you holding on to anger, hurt, or bitterness?

Showing forgiveness to others can be one of the most difficult things we face in life. However, it is imperative to our healing process. In these 19 Bible verses, we are reminded of how God’s grace and mercy have redeemed us, and our sins have been forgiven through the blood that was shed on the cross. Surely, if God is able to forgive us, then we can show the same mercy to others.

Afterall, who is the one suffering from holding on the pain? Not ones responsible for it, but ourselves, as we live daily with bitterness in our hearts. It eats us up from the inside out and affects every aspect of our lives.

You can read about my journey with forgiveness in this post. Although my story isn’t about forgiving others but myself, instead. This was a huge hurdle in my ability to overcome my grief. I hope you can find something that helps you too.

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30 Verses To Keep Your Pride In Check


Are you struggling with pride? Could your sense of entitlement be destroying your ability to move forward in life?

Read and remember these 30 verses to help remind you how easily pride can affect every aspect of your life.

But first, jump over to this post about how I grew a false sense of pride and how it affected my ability to cope and accept God’s plans for my life. Continue reading